Circulars and guidance
This is a list of circulars, guidance and advice published by the Australian Public Service Commission since 2018.
For earlier circulars, or to search for topics, please use the circular, guidance and advice search.
Circulars 2025
Circular 2025/01: Changes to the application of the APS Values—APS employees on leave without pay working under the Members of Parliament (Staff) Act 1984
Circulars 2024
Circular 2024/06: Commencement of amendments to the Australian Public Service Regulations 2023
The purpose of this Circular is to inform agencies that the Australian Public Service Regulations 2023 (Regulations) have been amended.
Circular 2024/05: Correction of underpayment of wages and entitlements
Circular 2024/04: Consulting with the APSC on legal advice and disputes about enterprise agreement Common Conditions
10 September 2024
This circular provides further detail about this obligation with respect to the Common Conditions.
Circular 2024/03: Commencement of amendments to the Australian Public Service Commissioner’s Directions 2022
14 August 2024
The purpose of this Circular is to inform agencies that the Australian Public Service Commissioner’s Directions 2022 (the Directions) have been amended.
Circular 2024/02: Annual Wage Review updating Australian Government Awards
2 July 2024
This circular is to inform Australian Government agencies of changes to the minimum wage that were effective from 1 July 2024.
Circular 2024/01: Managing COVID-19 in the Commonwealth Employment Sector
8 January 2024
The purpose of this circular is to provide agencies with updated guidance on managing the impact of COVID-19 in the workplace. This advice applies to all Commonwealth employment.
Circulars 2023
Circular 2023/8: New Guidance on changes to non-ongoing engagements following amendments to the Fair Work Act 2009
28 November 2023
The purpose of this Circular is to inform agencies that the Australian Public Service Commission has created additional guidance to support APS agencies in implementing the new fixed term provisions in the Fair Work Act 2009 (FW Act)
Circular 2023/7: Upholding Integrity in SES Recruitment
28 August 2023
The purpose of this circular is to inform Agency Heads of their obligations when conducting SES recruitment. This circular replaces Circular 2018/5: SES Recruitment, and applies to all SES recruitment processes commencing from October 2023.
Circular 2023/6: Amendments to the Australian Public Service Commissioner’s Directions 2022
3 July 2023
This circular is to advise APS agencies that the Australian Public Service Commissioner’s Directions 2022 (the Directions) have been amended for consistency with the Public Service Regulations 2023 (2023 Regulations).
Circular 2023/5 - Release of the Maternity Leave (Commonwealth Employees) Act 1973 Review
20 June 2023
This circular is to advise agencies that the Review of the Maternity Leave (Commonwealth Employees) Act 1973 (the Maternity Leave Act) has been released.
Circular 2023/4 - Annual Wage Review updating Australian Government Awards
13 June 2023The purpose of this circular is to inform Australian Government agencies of changes to the minimum wage, specifically in regard to the Australian Public Service Enterprise Award 2015, the Australian Government Industry Award 2016 and other enterprise awards covering Australian Government employment.
Circular 2023/3: Sunsetting of zombie agreements
15 May 2023
The purpose of this circular is to inform Australian Government agencies of amendments to legislation which give effect to the sunsetting of so-called ‘zombie agreements’ and to provide advice about next steps.
Circular 2023/2: Update to Family and Domestic Violence leave reporting requirements under the Fair Work Regulations 2009
15 May 2023
This purpose of this circular is to inform Australian Government agencies of further changes to the Fair Work Regulations 2009 (the Regulations), effective 4 June 2023.
Circular 2023/1A: Commencement of the Public Service Regulations 2023
6 April 2023
This circular is to advise APS agencies that new Public Service Regulations 2023 have been made under the Public Service Act 1999 (the Act).
Circulars 2022
Circular 2022/01: COVID-19 leave arrangements
19 January 2022
The purpose of this circular is to guide agency decision-making around attendance at work, accessibility of leave conditions and other flexible working arrangements to support APS employees in the management of COVID-19 while delivering essential services to the community.
Circular 2022/02: Commencement of the Australian Public Service Commissioner’s Directions 2022
1 February 2022
This circular is to advise APS agencies that the new Australian Public Service Commissioner's Directions 2022 have been made.
1 February 2022
This Circular is to inform Agency Heads of their obligations on the use of probation for employees engaged into the Australian Public Service (APS).
11 April 2022
The following arrangements will apply in respect of making new industrial arrangements. This includes bargaining for new enterprise agreements, remuneration for common law agreements, or considering whether to make a determination providing remuneration increases under the Public Service Act 1999 or other enabling legislation, during the caretaker period.
Circular 2022/06 - Annual Wage Review updating Australian Government Awards
27 June 2022
This circular is to inform Australian Government agencies of changes to the minimum wage, specifically in regard to Australian Public Service Award 2015, the Australian Government Industry Award 2016 and other enterprise awards covering Australian Government employment.
Circular 2022/07: Managing the impacts of COVID-19 on Commonwealth agencies
13 July 2022
The purpose of this Circular is to provide advice to agencies about managing the fluctuating impacts of COVID-19. The following advice applies to all Commonwealth agencies and their employees including ongoing, non ongoing and casual employees.
Circular 2022/08: Genuine and effective employee and union consultation in Commonwealth agencies
6 October 2022
The purpose of this circular is to inform agencies about the Australian Government’s policy concerning genuine and effective consultation with employees and relevant unions on matters that affect them in Commonwealth workplaces.
Circular 2022/09: Union representation in Commonwealth agencies
6 October 2022
The purpose of this circular is to inform agencies about the Australian Government’s policy concerning union representation and involvement in Commonwealth workplaces.
Circular 2022/10: Fair Work Act casual employment provision
6 October 2022
The purpose of this circular is to inform agencies about the Australian Government’s policy concerning the application of the casual conversion provisions in the Fair Work Act 2009 (FW Act).
Circular 2022/11: COVID-19 leave arrangements
14 October 2022
Circular 2022/11: COVID-19 leave arrangements details changes to the Covid leave arrangements
22 December 2022
The purpose of this Circular is to inform agencies of changes to the Fair Work Act 2009 (the FW Act) following the passage of the Fair Work Amendment (Paid Family and Domestic Violence Leave) Bill 2022, which passed both Houses of Parliament on 27 October 2022.
Circulars 2021
Circular 2021/01: COVID-19 vaccinations
8 February 2021
The purpose of this Circular is to provide information to Commonwealth agencies and their employees on the Australian Government’s national roll-out of COVID-19 vaccinations.
Circular 2021/02: Annual Wage Review updating Australian Government Awards
17 June 2021
This circular is to inform Australian Government agencies of changes to the minimum wage, specifically in regards to Australian Public Service Award 2015, the Australian Government Industry Award 2016 and other enterprise awards covering Australian Government employment.
Circular 2021/03: Fair Work Act changes to Casual employment
12 July 2021
This circular is to inform Australian Government employers of the recent changes to the Fair Work Act (2009) (FW Act) with regard to the employment of casual employees.
18 August 2021
The purpose of this Circular is to inform agencies of the applicable private sector Wage Price Index (WPI), for annual remuneration adjustments in agency industrial instruments between 1 September 2021 and 31 August 2022, under the Australian Government’s Public Sector Workplace Relations Policy 2020 (the Policy).
Circular 2021/05: COVID-19 Vaccinations for Commonwealth officials travelling overseas
9 September 2021
The purpose of this Circular is to provide advice to agencies considering sending Commonwealth officials on official travel overseas.
Circular 2021/06: Superannuation Stapling
1 October 2021
Guidance for Commonwealth employers on the Government’s Your Super, Your Future Reforms.
Circular 2021/07: Fair Work Commission review of casual terms in awards
5 October 2021
The purpose of this Circular is to inform Australian Government agencies of the completion of the Fair Work Commission’s review of casual terms in modern awards
Circular 2021/08: Changes to the Fair Work Act 2009 to provide Compassionate Leave for Miscarriage
6 October 2021
This circular is to inform Australian Government employers of the recent changes to the Fair Work Act 2009 that provide improved support for parents who experience miscarriage.
Circular 2021/09: COVID-19 vaccination policies in Australian Government workplaces
6 October 2021
The purpose of this Circular is to provide general information to Australian Government employers who are considering adopting policies that would require employees to be vaccinated against COVID-19.
Circulars 2020
Circular 2020/01: COVID-19 leave arrangements
3 April 2020
Australia is closely monitoring the outbreak of COVID-19. This is an unfolding situation so Australian Government employers are advised to monitor the most up-to-date information via the websites of the Australian Government Department of Health and the State and Territory health department websites.
Circular 2020/02: Correction of underpayment of wages
20 February 2020
Commonwealth employers have obligations under the Fair Work Act 2009 to ensure their employees are paid correctly.
Circular 2020/03: COVID-19 – Remote working and evolving work arrangements
9 April 2020
Commonwealth agencies will need to assess situations where employees are unable to continue to serve the Australian public in their usual way in response to COVID-19. The focus of agencies and employees should be on delivering critical functions to Australian public.
9 April 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic has the potential to create significant resourcing issues for Commonwealth agencies
Circular 2020/05: Preparing for a COVID-safe transition for APS workplaces
8 May 2020
The purpose of this circular is to assist in the transition of employees to usual workplaces.
Circular 2020/06: Temporary mobility arrangements as part of the continued response to COVID-19
8 May 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic has seen a significant shift in the way the Australian Public Service (APS) has operated to continue to deliver outcomes and critical services to the Australian public.
Circular 2020/07: Annual Wage Review updating Australian Government Awards
26 July 2020
This circular is to inform Australian Government agencies of changes to the minimum wage, specifically in regards to Australian Public Service Award 2015, the Australian Government Industry Award 2016 and other enterprise awards covering Australian Government employment.
Circular 2020/08: Changes to Parental Leave Pay to Improve Flexibility
24 July 2020
This circular is to inform Australian Government employers of the recent changes to the Paid Parental Leave scheme which will affect families with children that are born or adopted on or after 1 July 2020.
Circular 2020/9: Returning to Usual Workplaces
29 September 2020
The purpose of this Circular is to provide advice to agencies about employees returning to their usual (pre-COVID) workplaces.
18 January 2021
This circular is to inform Australian Government employers of the recent changes to the Fair Work Act (2009) that provide improved support for parents who experience traumatic events during or in anticipation of unpaid parental leave, including stillbirth, premature birth or death of an infant.
Circulars 2019
Circular 2019/1: Agreement making and bargaining during a caretaker period
11 April 2019
The following arrangements will apply in respect of agreement making, or other workplace arrangements in lieu of bargaining, during the caretaker period.
Circular 2019/3: Amendments to the Australian Public Service Commissioner’s Directions 2016
24 July 2019
This Circular is to inform all Commonwealth entities with employees engaged under the Public Service Act 1999 of changes to the Australian Public Service Commissioner’s Directions 2016 (the Directions).
Circulars 2018
Circular 2018/1: Labour Hire Legislation
20 June 2018
A number of States/Territories have enacted legislation that regulates the labour hire industry and prohibits the use of unlicensed labour hire service providers.
19 October 2018
On 6 July 2018, the Fair Work Commission finalised the content of the model family and domestic violence leave term.
Circular 2018/3: Family and Domestic Violence Leave: Changes to the National Employment Standards
13 December 2018
On 6 December 2018, the Fair Work Amendment (Family and Domestic Violence Leave) Bill was passed, providing 5 days unpaid Family and Domestic Violence Leave to all employees covered by the Fair Work Act 2009.
Circular 2018/4: Using probation effectively
19 December 2018
Probation is a critical part of the recruitment process. It is a powerful tool that enables agencies to test whether a person is suited to the Australian Public Service (APS), the agency and the job.
Circular 2018/5: SES Recruitment
19 December 2018
The changes to SES recruitment practices outlined in this Circular have the support of Secretaries and were agreed at the meeting of the Secretaries Board on 5 December 2018.