Open Letters to the Australian Public Service
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The Secretary of the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet and the Australian Public Service Commissioner write to APS staff on a regular basis.
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22 result(s) found, displaying 1 to 10A message to all APS staff on the federal election and caretaker period
Open Letters to the Australian Public Service
An open letter to employees of the Australian Public Service on the federal election and caretaker period.
A message to all APS staff on respect, integrity and current world events
Open Letters to the Australian Public Service
An open letter to employees of the Australian Public Service on respect, integrity and current world events
Open letter to Australia Public Service Employees - APS bargaining
Open Letters to the Australian Public Service
Today, the Commonwealth informed employee bargaining representatives that it will improve its pay offer by bringing forward the Year 1 pay increase of 4 per cent by 12 weeks to 21 December 2023.
APS Integrity Taskforce report ‘Louder than Words: An APS Integrity Action Plan’
Open Letters to the Australian Public Service
The APS Integrity Taskforce has released their report ‘Louder than Words: An APS Integrity Action Plan’. Integrity is deeply important to our work in the public service. We encourage all staff to reflect on how integrity shapes our work for the Australian public. The ‘Integrity Good Practice Guide’ includes a range of practical examples of how you can contribute to a pro-integrity culture.
A message to all APS staff on the referendum
Open Letters to the Australian Public Service
A message to the Australian Public Service from NIAA CEO, Jody Broun, PM&C Secretary, Glyn Davis and APS Commissioner, Gordon de Brouwer on the referendum
Open Letter to the Australian Public Service on APS Bargaining: Package of common pay and conditions
Open Letters to the Australian Public Service
This is an open letter to Australian Public Service employees regarding APS bargaining common pay and conditions
An open invitation to the CALD Employment Strategy update
Open Letters to the Australian Public Service
Dr Subho Banarjee extends an invitation to the APS community to this event on Tuesday, August 1 from 11am
A message to you from PM&C Secretary Davis and APS Commissioner de Brouwer on the Royal Commission into the Robodebt Scheme
Open Letters to the Australian Public Service
A message from the Australian Public Service Commissioner and Secretary of the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet regarding the Royal Commission into the Robodebt Scheme to Australian Public Service Employees
A message of thanks from Secretary Davis
Open Letters to the Australian Public Service
A message to the Australian Public Service from Secretary Davis on the importance of service delivery
A message to you from Secretary Davis, Commissioner Woolcott and Secretary de Brouwer on APS Reform
Open Letters to the Australian Public Service
A message to Australian Public Service Employees from Secretary Davis, Commissioner Woolcott and Secretary de Brouwer on APS Reform