Commissioner's directions
The Australian Public Service Commissioner's Directions 2022 - external site are made under the Public Service Act 1999 and are necessary for its effective operation.
The Directions prescribe standards that Agency Heads and APS employees must comply with in order to meet their obligations under the Act.
The Directions also support APS agencies to incorporate and uphold the APS Values and Employment Principles, conduct recruitment activities and undertake performance management.
The Directions were remade on 1 February 2022 and replace the 2016 Directions in their entirety.
Key changes in the 2022 Directions
Information about recent changes to the Directions can be found at:
- Circular advising APS agencies that the Directions have been made
- Circular informing APS agencies of probation obligations
- 2016 Directions to 2022 Directions: Comparison Table
- Schedule of Agency Head functions and powers
This video relates to amendments made to the Directions in 2019.
Frequently asked questions
Frequently asked questions about provisions that have changed in the Directions, compared with the 2016 Directions, can be found here.
These may be updated from time to time.
This video relates to amendments made to the Directions in 2019.
Performance management in the APS
[Peter Woolcott AO, Australian Public Service Commissioner]
The commissioner has the authority under the Public Service Act to issue directions which essentially relate to employment guidelines.
And they're for the purpose of ensuring that we incorporate and uphold the Australian Public Service Values which are set out in that Act.
We've issued today new directions on performance management and guidelines that go with that.
Essentially what we're trying to do is three things.
It's really about ensuring that we have best practice in the Australian Public Service about managing our talent and how we retain our high-performing employees.
Secondly, it's about ensuring we're not just focused on managing under performance, which is an important part of our job,
but it's also about managing those people who are performing well and ensuring that we get them to work to the best of their capabilities,
that we nurture, we develop and we train them.
And thirdly, it's about ensuring that responsibility for performance management doesn't just rest with agency heads, it actually rests with all supervisors and employees.
So we're in an interesting time in the Australian Public Service.
Change is afoot.
And fundamental to managing that change is going to be leadership, capability and culture.
And so the performance management guidelines need to support and reinforce that.
Because if we're going to serve the Australian people and we're going to serve the Australian government to the best that we can getting the performance management culture right is fundamental to that and managing our talent is fundamental to that.
Further information on performance management can be found here. The circular announcing the changes in the video can be found here.
Further information
For further information about the Directions, you can contact the Commission’s:
- Employment Policy team in relation to recruitment and probation matters:
- Integrity and Ethics team in relation to integrity, non-disclosure and Code of Conduct matters: