4. The year ahead
Priorities in 2020-21
2020–21 offers unique challenges with COVID-19 continuing to have an impact on APS working arrangements and the traditional ways the MPC has engaged with stakeholders. A key priority for 2020–21 will be using technology to continue engaging with APS employees and agencies to provide guidance on good practice in decision making and people management. The MPC will continue to adapt to provide this information in accessible ways such as by:
- publishing tip sheets, case summaries and good practice guides for agency decision makers on our website
- reviewing and updating our website to ensure easier navigation for our stakeholders and removing out-of-date or superseded information
- engaging with stakeholders by way of video conference and teleconference
- conducting webinars with key stakeholder groups
- seeking additional stakeholder feedback by broadening our feedback survey to new client groups.
Consistent with previous years, the priorities for 2021–22 also include:
- raising the profile of the office with APS employees and agencies by implementing our communication and engagement strategy and redeveloping the MPC’s website
- continuously improving the quality and timeliness of our work , including through effective mentoring and by supporting the ongoing professional development of review staff
- supporting agencies in complex case management, including through the Code of Conduct inquiry service
- continuing to implement effective and accountable governance arrangements and risk management processes for the office
- working with the APSC on integrity and people management issues and better integrating lessons learned from review work to inform policy development.