Secretaries Charter of Leadership Behaviours

The Secretaries’ Charter of Leadership Behaviours sets out the behaviours Secretaries expect of themselves and SES, and want to see in leaders at all levels of the APS.
Released in 2022, the Charter focuses on behaviours that support modern systems leadership within the construct of the APS Values and Code of Conduct.
These behaviours build on the Integrated Leadership System and APS Leadership Capability Framework.
Be Dynamic
Have an inquiring mind and be willing to innovate and change
Understand the system you operate in
Practise new ways of deploying yourself in your system to achieve the best outcome
Embrace risks and actively manage them
Enjoy your work and have a positive attitude
Don’t walk past problems—be part of the solution
Be Respectful
Treat people with decency and respect
Embrace diversity and actively seek out views and perspectives that challenge your own
Build an inclusive culture that enables people to make their best contribution
Have Integrity
Be open, honest and accountable
Take responsibility for what happens around you
Have courage to call out unacceptable behaviour
Value others
Be an active listener
Value others’ contributions, perspectives and wisdom
Collaborate not compete to succeed as a team
Understand people and their views and motivations in order to lead, influence and communicate well
Build relationships
Empower people
Trust, empower and grow others
Interpret and provide context—don’t do people’s jobs for them
Build capability and networks
Expect people to deliver and find positive ways to hold them to account
Accept people won’t always get it right—and support them to bounce back