Australian Public Service Commission (APSC)
We work to be a valued, credible and trusted partner to the Australian Public Service – promoting high standards of accountability, effectiveness and performance of the APS now and into the future.
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Stay up to date on the latest developments and areas of focus from the APSC.

The workforce plan is a collaborative, whole-of-APS approach to building a data, digital and cyber workforce, capable of delivering on the government’s visions. It is designed for data, digital and cyber leaders, human resources and workforce planning practitioners.

The State of the Service for 2024 report is now available.
The State of the Service Report is a collaboration between the Australian Public Service Commission and APS agencies.
It shows how the APS supports the Australian Government, the Australian Parliament and the Australian people.
Current initiatives
A formal professions model established to increase APS workforce capability for employees in critical areas of the APS.
The Australian Government is committed to fair and equitable conditions of employment and job security. The Commonwealth will act as a model employer in the APS bargaining process, including through genuine bargaining to improve pay and conditions for APS employees.
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