5.1 A strong base for learning and development
Recent findings show that the public service is working from a strong base for L&D. A high proportion of APS agencies (92%) now have in place, or are creating, an L&D strategy, framework or action plan. In 2022, most APS Employee Census respondents reported they had actively sought an opportunity to learn or enhance their knowledge within the previous month (78%). They also reported being able to access formal and informal L&D when and where they were required (74%) (Figure 5.1).
Figure 5.1: Perceived access to relevant formal and informal learning (2022)

Source: APS Employee Census
APS supervisors continue to play a vital role in empowering APS teams and individuals to access learning. Year on year, a higher proportion of employees are reporting that their supervisors are invested in their development (76% in 2022; 74% in 2021; 72% in 2020).[45] Positive perceptions that supervisors support team members with helpful feedback to improve performance have also risen to 78%, up from 74% in 2021 (Figure 5.2).
Figure 5.2: Perceived supervisor investment in development (2020 to 2022)

Source: APS Employee Census
[45] 2022 APS Employee Census.