Under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992, Australian Government agencies are required to ensure information and services are provided in a non-discriminatory accessible manner.
This website has been designed to meet the Australian Government standard established in respect of this requirement.
This website is currently compliant to Level A of the Web content accessibility guidelines version 2.0 - external site (WCAG 2.0) standard. It will be upgraded over time with a target to ensure that the content will be accessible to Level Double A. While we put best efforts to ensure that the website is compliant, where you find difficulties in accessing any material please contact us for an alternative format of the content to meet your requirements.
WCAG 2.0 is a technical standard developed under the Web Accessibility Initiative of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).
At times, we publish documents and publications received from third parties. These third party documents may not adhere to the standards intended to be followed by the Australian Public Service Commission.
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Document attachments
Where possible, pdf documents have also been provided in Microsoft Word format (.doc). In some cases we may not be able to provide Microsoft Word versions. For example, documents that have been produced by a third party such as submissions or scanned documents. All document attachments will open in the same browser window. Users will be notified where document attachments open in a new browser window.
Contact us using the feedback button on the right to request alternate document formats.
Viewing documents
If you do not have the required software to view the documents available on this site, the following free downloads or online applications will allow you to view the documents:
If you have difficulty accessing some content on this website, please contact us via phone or email. Where possible, we are committed to providing alternative versions on request.