Chapter 7: APS job family model
The APS job family model articulates the job roles, grouped into related functions and families, performed within the APS. Job family data from participating agencies is held in the APS Employment Database (APSED). The following figures are based on job family data for 100,919 employees across 25 agencies, representing 72% of the total headcount at 31 December 2017. More information about the APS job family model can be found on the APSC website at: Job family model.
Figure 7.1 shows the number of employees by APS job family and classification group. Most employees are within the service delivery; compliance and regulation; and administration families. The vast majority of employees within these families are APS-level employees. Larger proportions of EL employees are in the ICT, strategic policy, science and organisational leadership families, with SES employees almost exclusively residing within the organisational leadership family.
Figure 7.1: Employees (headcount) by APS job family and classification group, 2017
Remuneration by APS job family
Based on the 2017 remuneration data the highest paid job roles within the APS are:
- management positions;
- science, health or legal professionals; and
- niche roles which involve significant responsibility.
In some instances these roles will account for the maximum Base Salary figure for the relevant classification and will be outside of the standard pay band.
Figure 7.2 shows the median Base Salary, TRP and TR by APS job family. Median salaries are highest for the organisational leadership, science and strategic policy job families which comprise a range of high level and highly skilled roles. Median Base Salary aligns with the median classification by job family, where higher remuneration in a job family indicates higher levels employed within that family.
Figure 7.2: Median remuneration by APS job family, 2017