Long-term Insights Briefings
The passing of the Public Service Amendment Act 2024 established Long-term Insights Briefings as an enduring function for government. The Secretaries Board will commission at least one Long-term Insights Briefing each financial year. Completed reports will be provided to the Public Service Minister and tabled in both houses of Parliament.
Long-term Insights Briefings are an opportunity for the government to listen to and work with Australians on specific policy challenges that may affect Australia in the medium and long term.
These briefings make information and analysis about trends, risks, and opportunities that may affect Australia widely available. They strengthen planning and policy development by helping the Australian Public Service understand community views, evidence and the implications of long-term challenges.
Briefings are developed using a combination of tools. This includes research and consultation with experts from the APS, academia, industry and peak bodies, and genuine engagement with the Australian community and their representatives.
A Long-term Insights Briefing started in February 2024 to explore the future of human services, with particular emphasis on how the Australian Government works with communities.
The first briefing pilot, published in October 2023, explored how artificial intelligence might affect the trustworthiness of public service delivery. It also considered how AI could transform public service delivery and the potential impacts of these changes on the trustworthiness of public service delivery.
Long-term Insights Briefings contribute to the stewardship of the APS by building the capability and institutional knowledge of the public service for long-term thinking. They position the APS to support the public interest now and into the future, by understanding the long-term impacts of what the APS does.
Find out more
Australian Government (2023) Long-term Insights Briefings, Prime Minister and Cabinet website, accessed 24 July 2024.