Transparent Use of AI at the Commission
AI Transparency Statement
The Commission is dedicated to the safe, ethical and transparent use of Artificial Intelligence technologies that accords with evolving legislation, ethical standards and public expectations.
The Australian Public Service (APS) has a unique and privileged role in serving the Australian community. The Commission’s work in supporting the development and delivery of policies, services and initiatives by government affect the lives of all Australians. As such, we recognise the need to engage with AI tools in a positive and responsible manner so that we can harness their benefits in a way that maintains the trust of the public and the integrity of the APS.
As part of our commitment to integrating AI into our ways of working, the Commission is looking to approach the adoption of such technologies in a transparent, safe, accountable and ethical manner that is aligned with legislative and regulatory mandates.
In accordance with the requirements outlined within the Digital Transformation Agency’s Policy for the responsible use of AI in government, this statement provides an overview of the Commissions current use of AI and its Accountable Officials.
Accountable Official
Our Accountable Official is the Chair of the Technology, Digital and Data Committee (the Committee), a sub-committee of our Executive Board. The Committee oversees the integration of effective technology, digital and data practices within the Commission to ensure that they are aligned with our strategic objectives and meet our whole-of-government and legislative obligations.
How the Commission uses AI
At this time, we are currently not using AI in any way that members of the public may directly interact with, or be significantly impacted by, without a human intermediary or intervention.
In our stewardship role, we recognise the need to responsibly engage with AI to inform our understanding of the opportunities and risks AI tools provide and to safely harness their potential. The Commission recognises that engaging meaningfully with AI will equip our staff with the capability and knowledge to use these tools that not only improves productivity internally but also helps us be an informed partner to support a broader capability uplift across the Australian Public Service.
We are currently investigating implementing a trial of Microsoft Co-Pilot internally to investigate how it can be used to enhance workplace productivity, through streamlining internal processes and automating routine tasks. This trial will be undertaken within the domains of Corporate Services and the usage patterns of Workplace Productivity (as per the Digital Transformation Agency Classification Systems for AI use). Outcomes from this trial will be used to inform the Commission’s consideration of how AI productivity tools may be used and applied within our business.
Our approach to AI adoption and use
We will continue to investigate the use of AI where it is aligned to our business requirements and where it makes sense for the Commission. For example, where it may increase productivity, is cost effective and does not jeopardise data security and integrity, and where it is consistent with how AI is being adopted more broadly in the APS.
Supporting the uplift of AI Capability across the Public Service
The Commission also plays a critical stewardship role in understanding the impacts of AI on the Australian Public Service.
In our role to support the service-wide approach to uplift the capability of our people across the service, the APS Academy have developed an Artificial Intelligence course and resources that form part of APS Learn and is available to all APS staff. Our Data and Digital Professions team further play a role in guiding and supporting the development of technical skills across the APS.
Additionally, the Merit Protection Commissioner publishes guidance around the use of AI-assisted recruitment tools for agencies to consider whether to use AI tools for recruitment.
Governance of AI
The Committee forms a key part in the internal governance of AI, providing oversight in the adoption and implementation of AI across Commission. The Committee also ensures robust monitoring and evaluation of AI systems to ensure they are responsibly and ethically adopted, managed, and used within the Commission.
We have established an AI Policy and a supporting governance and assurance framework that guides how AI will be considered, governed and approved for use within the Commission.
Both the Policy and Framework aligns with the advice and guidance provided by the Digital Transformation Agency and the Department of Industry, Science and Resources around the responsible and appropriate use of AI.
Approval for the use of AI related tools and systems is assessed on a case-by-case basis by the Committee. All proposed AI use cases must have a business case before proceeding, which is then evaluated against key criteria, with a risk assessment undertaken in consultation with IT Security.
An AI register has been established so that use cases (when approved) can be recorded to track their progress and status.
Ensuring responsible use
The Commission safeguards against risks and ensures responsible AI use through releasing an annual AI Transparency Statement to provide visibility on how our use of AI is used and managed.
Updates to this statement
This transparency statement was last updated on 26 February 2025. We will update this statement at least every twelve months or when:
- a significant change is made in our approach or use of AI;
- any new decisions or other factors materially impacts the statement’s accuracy; or
- changes in the operating, regulatory or policy environment impact our use of AI.
It is the intention of this statement to demonstrate the Commission’s commitment to ethical AI development, foster trust and create a strong foundation for sustainable and innovative AI practices. For further information or enquiries around the Commission’s approach to the adoption and use of artificial intelligence, you can contact us directly at