Information and communications technology
In the reporting year the Commission continued to deliver on its 2016–2019 ICT Strategy. This included using the Digital Service Standard for new developments—including for the APSjobs replacement project. In keeping with broader government and general technology directions, we also provided more mobile technology to our staff and increasingly adopted software as a service (SaaS) business systems instead of on-premise systems.
We continued to receive ICT infrastructure services through the Employment and Education shared services centre.
Website enhancements
During the reporting year the Commission launched an updated version of the Merit Protection Commission website, The updated website offers a clearer layout and is easier to navigate.
Document and records management
In 2016–17 the Commission maintained its document and records management system and provided training and support for users. We are participating in the development of the whole-of-government digital records platform aimed at improving the efficiency and effectiveness of digital records management in the APS.