Outlook for 2017-18
The Commission has introduced refreshed strategic priorities for 2017–18. While building on the current set of priorities, it has taken into account emerging trends affecting the APS in the context of a rapidly changing external environment.
The 2017–18 Corporate Plan sets out the Commission’s strategic priorities and deliverables, as well as its key activities and measures, for the period 2017–18 to 2020–21. The plan states that the Commission’s purpose is ‘To position the APS workforce for the future’.
Budget outlook
The Commission’s departmental appropriation revenue will increase from $20.3 million in 2016–17 to $22.8 million in 2017–18. This is a consequence of temporary budget funding of $2.8 million for building digital capability in partnership with the Digital Transformation Agency.
Underlying funding is to reduce by $0.3 million because of the efficiency dividend. The Commission is managing its funding to ensure that it delivers a balanced financial result and is financially sustainable in future years.
Administered payments for the Parliamentarians’ and Judicial Office Holders’ Remuneration and Entitlements program are expected to increase to $65.4 million in 2017–18 as a result of the regular annual review of remuneration.