APS Professions

Australian Public Service Professions contribute to ensuring the APS has the workforce it needs. Since its launch in 2019, APS Professions has done so by focusing on the attraction, development, retention and deployment of specialist capability in the public service.
Increased competition for talent and the changing nature of work is increasing demand for those with high levels of skills. Professional streams help lift capability in critical skills areas and support agencies to find and develop the skills they need now and in the future.
The APS has professional streams for digital, data and human resources. Across more than 150 agencies, including from state and territory governments, there are over:
- 10,000 members in the Digital Profession
- 6,000 members in the Data Profession
- 5,000 members in the Human Resources Profession.
The design of each profession is tailored to the needs of that profession and informed by future service-wide demand. The Australian Public Service Commission supports collaboration across professions and provides advice on recruitment, career pathways and capability development.
A number of emerging talent programs are in place for the professions, increasing the talent pipeline for specialist roles across the APS workforce. In 2023, the APSC opened the first APS Academy Campus in Newcastle, and it now supports 22 data and digital cadets and one digital apprentice across 8 agencies. The Townsville Campus recently opened and has 8 cadets representing 3 agencies.

Minister for the Public Service, Sen the Hon Katy Gallagher, launches the APS Academy Campus at the University of Newcastle. Image: University of Newcastle
For employees, membership in a professional stream can build skills and enhance career opportunities through access to specialist advice and training, and better communication and connection with others in the field.
For agencies, professional streams provide an opportunity for a coordinated approach to identifying skills, addressing gaps and developing initiatives to engage and retain employees in high demand, specialist areas.
See also
Appendix 6 – APS workforce planning, State of the Service Report 2022–23.
Australian Government (n.d.) APS Professions, APS Academy website, https://www.apsacademy.gov.au/aps-professions, accessed 1 August 2023.