What will success look like?
To strengthen the connection of the APS with all Australians, we will… use data better – ensuring the APS has the right capability, tools and processes to securely use, share and understand data and other sources of information for better policy advice, regulation and services.18
The APS Professions Framework has been established to increase the capability of APS employees working in critical disciplines in the APS, and the Data Professional Stream aspires to do just that. The successful establishment and embedding of a professional APS data workforce will uplift and deepen APS data capability and instil a culture of data excellence across the APS, resulting in:
- more efficient and better policy advice and service delivery for Australians;
- improved, data-driven agency decision making;
- increased professional collaboration between agencies and with academia; and
- increased public trust in the Government to collect, share and use data appropriately.
A successful Data Professional Stream will offer individual staff clearer pathways and greater mobility over their careers as data professionals. By creating a common understanding of the skills, behaviours and experience needed to thrive in data professional roles, and providing access to data capability development opportunities, professional networks and Communities of Practice, the Data Professional Stream will attract, develop and retain a highly-talented APS workforce.
The Data Professional Stream will deliver benefits for Australian citizens, the APS, Government agencies and APS staff, and outcome measures will be identified and monitored regularly at each of these levels.

18 Commonwealth of Australia, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Delivering for Australians. A World-class Australian Public Service: The Government’s APS reform agenda, 2019.