Template: Effective selection reports
How to use this template
This template is a guide to assist APS Agencies develop templates and processes that meets their obligations under the Public Service Act 1999. The use of this template is not mandatory, it is designed to demonstrate the minimum information an agency should capture to document the recruitment activity in a way that is consistent with the merit principle. Agencies may decide to include additional information in their templates, depending on their internal policy requirements and agency priorities.
A selection report is the official record of the recruitment process. It explains how candidates were assessed and details the steps taken by the recruitment panel to reach its recommendation to the delegate. In accordance with the Australian Public Service Commissioner’s Directions 2022, a selection report must be appropriately documented and demonstrate how the recruitment and selection process has complied with the APS merit principle.
Selection reports should include the following:
- a list of all candidates - for large recruitment rounds this can be included as attachments to the report.
- a shortlist of candidates as a result of the initial assessment
- details on how short listed candidates work-related qualities were assessed
- a comparison of shortlisted applicants
- if applicable, the reasons why a particular candidate is the preferred candidate
- for merit lists, an explanation of why an individual was ranked higher or lower than the next on the list
- for the creation of a merit pool, an explanation of why the candidate was assessed as being suitable
- referee reports
- an explanation of who has withdrawn from the process
- any adjustments made to support candidate participation
- an explanation of any irregularities/inconsistencies in the report or disagreement between the panel members in relation to the recommendation.
Using selection reports effectively
In addition to documenting the formal decisions made in a recruitment process, selection reports should be clearly written and have enough detail so hiring managers can make informed decisions when selecting candidates from the merit pool. It should also be a useful resource for panels when giving feedback to candidates.
Maximising the use of existing merit lists and merit pools is encouraged. It supports the efficient use of resources, and provides successful candidates with more opportunity to be offered a role. For more information see Creating Using and Sharing Merit Lists.
Selection report template
Job vacancy details
Guidance note
The vacancy detail section should allow an agency to identify the process and any key gazette information that will facilitate use of any resulting merit list or pool.
Reference number | Ongoing/non-ongoing | ||
Position number | Division, branch, section | ||
Job title & classification | Date advertised* |
*Guidance note
Merit lists or pools may be used to fill subsequent or similar vacancies within 18 months of the gazette notification advertising the vacancy.
Selection panel endorsement
The panel’s endorsement is to confirm the report and its outcomes are an accurate representation of the process.
Panel chair name and classification |
Panel chair signature | Date | ||
Panel member name and classification |
Panel member signature | Date | ||
Panel member name and classification |
Panel member signature | Date |
Selection panel recommendations
Guidance note
This section should clearly outline the panel’s recommendation on any preferred candidates, and who is suitable to go into the merit list or pool. Recommendations on immediate job offers do not need to be completed if no immediate offers will be made to candidates (for example, if the recruitment is being undertaken to form a merit pool only with offers to be made at a later date as vacancies become available).
Immediate vacancy
The panel recommends the following candidate(s) are offered a position:
Name | Classification | Position number | Rationale |
Formation of merit list or pool
The panel recommends that a merit list/merit pool is formed from remaining suitable candidates. |
Merit list ☐ |
Merit pool ☐ |
Delegate’s decision
Agencies should include detail on the delegate’s decision, for example, is there an agreement to engage/promote, or create a merit list/pool, in accordance with the panel’s recommendation.
Delegate name and classification | |||
Delegate signature | Date |
Summary of shortlisted candidate suitability
This section should clearly summarise how candidates have been rated following all assessment activities.
Candidate name |
Suitable/not suitable or ranking |
Place in merit pool or place in ranking |
☐ |
☐ |
Summary of assessment methods
This section should outline what assessment methods were used, and the work related qualities each selection tool was used to assess.
Assessment method | Work related qualities assessed through method |
eg. Work sample test | Analytical skills, written communication |
eg. Interview | Technical knowledge, ability to contribute to team performance |
Eg. Referee check | Stakeholder engagement, confirming findings from interview |
Individual assessments
Guidance note
The individual assessment section should document the individual assessment for each shortlisted candidate. An individual’s assessment can be used by the panel to inform feedback, and agencies may decide to provide copies to the candidate on request. The assessment should be factual and evidence-based, including constructive observations on any areas for improvement. Panels may also make distinctions and comparisons between candidates.
The assessment must be based on the relationship between the candidates' work-related qualities and the work-related qualities genuinely required to perform the relevant duties. The job advertisement, candidate package and role description are key source documents for determining what selection panels should be assessing.
Candidate name |
Overall rating for selection exercise |
Referee report confirms findings from interview? |
Panel’s Assessment Comments | |
Summary of panel’s findings, providing examples to justify the assessment decision. |