Learning and development
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The APS Learning Board has been established to lead the transformation of APS-wide capability development, aligned with APS priorities.

The APS Academy is a network hub of learning and development excellence for the APS. Access resources, courses and experience from across the APS to build craft capabilities.

The APS Learning and Development Strategy lays the foundation for a highly capable and future-ready APS workforce; always learning and adapting to deliver for the Government and Australians

The APS Learning and Development Action Plan sets out the practical steps to implement the APS Learning and Development Strategy over the next five years (2021-2026).

SES require a broad range of leadership capabilities to navigate the APS through increasing complexity.

The APS Learning Quality Framework is a principle-based model for assessing, building and distributing appropriate learning experiences.

The Learning Evaluation Framework and guidance help learning practitioners across the Australian Public Service to evaluate the learning initiatives they offer

The Charter of Leadership Behaviours sets out the behaviours Secretaries expect of themselves and of SES leaders, and want to see in leaders at all levels

The CALD Compact is a statement of leadership to support cultural diversity