Workplace Relations
- Public Sector Workplace Relations Policy 2023
- APS wide bargaining: Statement of Common Conditions 2023
- Public Sector Interim Workplace Arrangements 2022
- Family and Domestic Violence support
- APS remuneration reports
- Allowance subscription service
- Legislative framework
- Award modernisation
- Enterprise Bargaining Guide
- Downloads
Public Sector Workplace Relations Policy 2023#
The Public Sector Workplace Relations Policy 2023 (Policy) outlines the Government’s plan for APS-wide bargaining in the APS.
It is comprised of two parts:
- Part 1 of the Policy applies to agencies and their employees engaged under the Public Service Act 1999 (i.e. Australian Public Service (APS) agencies and their employees) and is referred to as the “APS Policy”; and
- Part 2 applies to Commonwealth agencies that engage staff under enabling legislation other than the Public Service Act 1999 and their employees (i.e. non-APS agencies and their employees) and is referred to as the “Non-APS Policy”.
APS Policy
The Australian Public Service Commission (APSC) has consulted with APS agencies and unions to develop the Government endorsed principles and objectives for APS-wide bargaining which inform the Policy.
The Policy applies to APS agencies and APS to Executive Level employees engaged under Public Service Act 1999. Arrangements for SES and equivalent employee classifications will not be covered by agency-level enterprise agreements. The Policy does cover SES employees, and links their pay increases to the APS-wide pay offer.
The Policy outlines the Government’s plan for APS-wide bargaining in the APS. It sets baseline standards, processes and expectations that will apply to bargaining approaches taken across APS agencies.
Exemptions to the APS Policy, in whole or part, will only be considered in exceptional circumstances. Such an exemption must be supported in writing by the relevant agency’s responsible Minister, assessed by the APSC and approved by the Minister for the Public Service.
Non-APS Policy
The Australian Public Service Commission (APSC) has consulted with non-APS agencies to develop the non-APS Policy.
Under the policy, non-APS agencies and employees will be supported to engage in agency-level bargaining, differing from the APS approach to developing common conditions. Non-APS agencies will have the opportunity to bargain to replace enterprise agreements past their nominal expiry date to ensure arrangements meet the needs of agencies and employees.
You can download and read the full Public Sector Workplace Relations Policy here.
APS wide bargaining: Statement of Common Conditions 2023#
The APS-wide bargaining: Statement of Common Conditions (the Statement) outlines the outcome of negotiations on over 90 matters raised in APS-wide bargaining with employee bargaining representatives. The Public Sector Workplace Relations Policy provides that the release of the Statement represents the conclusion of APS-wide bargaining. The Statement provides:
- a list of 59 APS-wide common conditions
- a list of 24 conditions referred to agency-level bargaining, within or without parameters
- a list of 22 conditions to be maintained if they exist in an agency. Any further bargaining on these conditions would not be consistent with the Public Sector Workplace Relations Policy, unless it is a permitted policy matter as described at page 18 of the Statement.
For APS agencies
Agencies should read the Statement of Common Conditions and the Policy together.
The APSC may provide further policy guidance for agencies to support the implementation of the Statement.
Exemptions to the Statement may only be agreed by the APS Commissioner in exceptional circumstances (paragraph 41 of the Policy).
For APS employees
Employees should read the Statement as they prepare to vote on their agency’s enterprise agreement.
We encourage you to be engaged and aware of these clauses that will form part of your agency’s enterprise agreement.
Read more about APS bargaining.
Public Sector Interim Workplace Arrangements 2022#
The Public Sector Interim Workplace Arrangements 2022 remain in place until 31 August 2023.
The Interim Arrangements were the first step in the Government’s broader plan to improve the public sector. This includes by working to reduce the fragmentation of pay and conditions over time and by realising the benefits that would result from genuine service wide negotiations on common terms and conditions.
The Interim Arrangements provide a one-off pay increase of 3 per cent per annum to all employees. This increase will apply to pay increases due between 1 September 2022 and 31 August 2023 under both new and existing workplace arrangements.
Questions may be directed to
Family and Domestic Violence support#
Information about how agencies can support employees affected by family and domestic violence and the APS Domestic and Family Violence Policy Framework template.
APS remuneration reports#
A census of APS employee remuneration is conducted annually. The census provides participating agencies with agency-specific and APS-wide data that informs their remuneration practices.
Allowance subscription service#
We provide an allowance subscription service on a fee-for-service basis which updates a range of employment-related allowances.
Legislative framework#
The legislative framework for employment in the APS.
Award modernisation#
Information about the process of award modernisation in the Commonwealth public sector.
Enterprise Bargaining Guide#
The APSC's Enterprise Bargaining Guide developed as part of the Workplace Relations Capability Program.