Appendix 2: Gathering insights
The refreshed Strategy was informed by the following extensive consultation process to ensure the Strategy reflects the diverse views and interests of APS employees. The diversity of APS employees with respect to gender identity and other identity markers was also represented across the interviews, design hubs and submission responses.
Conducted 36 interviews with APS employees and received 1,300 survey responses to evaluate Balancing the Future: APS Gender Equality Strategy 2016–2019.
Held over 50 interviews with APS employees from 22 different agencies across APS, EL and SES levels to learn more about their experiences with gender equality.
Convened 7 virtual and in-person design hubs and focus groups with APS employees across Australia.
Received over 340 responses from 40 different agencies as part of an APS-wide submission process.
Engaged with experts, non-government organisations and private companies from a range of sectors including academia, advocacy, banking and consulting as well as communications and marketing to understand different approaches to gender equality.
The Strategy is also informed by the expertise of the following key stakeholders:
- Australia’s Sex Discrimination Commissioner, Ms Kate Jenkins
- Cross-agency SES Band 1 Project Steering Group
- Cross-agency SES Band 2 Inclusion Steering Group
- SES Champions for gender equality and diversity and inclusion and
- APS employee networks representing different cohorts, including the APS Cross Agency Gender Equality Network.