Work arising from the Review
The APS has taken action on many of the Hierarchy and Classification Review’s findings, but will not make changes to classifications at this stage. Read the media statement.
Work arising from the independent APS Hierarchy and Classification Review was informed by input from staff, agencies and stakeholders. A listening report is available, summarising key themes from staff engagement following the release of the review.
The Review recommended the APS reimagine its classification structure, moving from 13 classifications down to 8. The changes would be complex.
The APS will not make the proposed changes to classifications at this stage. Any decision to proceed with classification reform in the future would need to be looked at further in consultation with staff, stakeholders and as part of the Government’s reform agenda.
Instead, the APSC has updated its guidance on optimal management structures which supports agencies to adjust their structures flexibly over time.
Secretaries have released a Charter of Leadership Behaviours, which illustrates what great leadership should look like in a modern APS.
Practical guidance on ways of working was published in 2024 supporting decision making at the lowest appropriate level. The guidance draws on the Review’s finding on hierarchy and risk culture and was informed by engagement with staff and APS agencies.
The APS Academy has launched APS Leadership Edge, a new approach to capability development for EL2 employees. It is a cohort-based social learning program which will enable EL2s to develop their leadership and management skills through a range of courses and activities.
The APSC has released guidance on specialist arrangements, focused on career pathways that allow specialists to continue directly applying their skills as they progress in the APS.
✓ August 2022
Independent Review published
✓ August-October 2022
Feedback form open on APSC website
✓ November 2022
Staff workshops on culture, ways of working and the future APS
✓ January 2023
Summary of staff feedback available on APSC website
✓ Mid 2023
Engagement with APS staff and agencies on specialist arrangements
✓ Mid 2023
Secretaries consider updated guidance on optimal management structures, ways of working and specialist arrangements
✓ During 2023
The APS Academy will pilot a new approach to developing manager capability