Action Area #5—Gender Data
‘Data tells a powerful story when it comes to gender equality and we need more of it to underpin our actions’
APS Submission Respondent
Key actions
5A Agencies will progressively build their capacity and capability to collect, analyse and publish (internally) gender disaggregated data across all people-metrics. Agencies will collect and publish (internally) data disaggregated by other diversity and inclusion variables. This information will support agencies to better target their gender equality initiatives.
5B Agencies will review their policies and processes for entering into an Individual Flexibility Agreement (IFA) with an employee to ensure there is equality of opportunity (a level playing field) for all genders. This will include reviewing the number of current IFAs by gender. Agencies will implement any necessary changes to the process and monitor impact.
The IFA review will focus on the process to develop IFAs, rather than the specifics of an IFA. The APSC will look to include an agency breakdown on IFAs in agency annual remuneration reports.
5C The APSC, in collaboration with APS agencies, will develop a strategic research plan to better understand gender dynamics in the APS workforce. Priority research projects identified in the research plan will leverage the socio-demographic data and workforce information held by the APSC, including through research partnerships with the academic community.
Tips for agencies
Agencies will consider opportunities to reflect gender disaggregated data in corporate reporting to provide further transparency.
Success for this action area
Success is where data is collected, accessible (within agencies) and transparent. Agencies have disaggregated data (gender and other diversity and inclusion variables) across all people-metrics, including uptake of flexible work, carers leave, and parental leave, rates of promotion, internal mobility, higher duties, remuneration, recruitment, redundancies, and separations.
Success is when gender equality is embedded in our business systems and practices (to ensure that gains don’t slip and progress can’t be undone).
Holding ourselves to account
Gender disaggregated data informs all gender equality initiatives and corporate planning, reporting and risk management. There is transparency in the process for requesting IFAs and gender data is published. The Government will amend the WGE Act to require public sector organisations to report to WGEA on gender equality indicators (Recommendation 43 of the Respect@Work report). Pending legislative amendment of the WGE Act, WGEA will adapt its reporting and data management system for the public sector and work with the APSC and relevant APS agencies to create a more comprehensive, representative and accurate data set of the Australian workforce.