Notes on assessment, methodologies and data sources
Note 1. Assessment of performance measures with multiple targets
Where a target has multiple criteria, each criteria is equally weighted. A status is applied to each criteria then averaged* to give an overall status for the target.
Where a measure has multiple targets, each target is equally weighted. A status is applied to each target then averaged* to give an overall status for the measure.
When considering criteria for a target, or a target within a measure:
- achieved applies if all elements are met
- substantially achieved applies if elements have been predominantly met
- partially achieved applies if some elements have been met
- not achieved applies if no elements have been met.
Where there are multiple parts to a measure, the average* (that is, the sum of all the data values divided by the count of values in the dataset), rounded* to the nearest whole value, is applied to determine overall status in the context.
The data values for each achievement status are: achieved (3); substantially achieved (2); partially achieved (1); not achieved (0).
*If the average is not a whole value, the number is rounded down to the whole value.
Note 2. APS Agency Survey
The APS Agency Survey collects information from APS agencies on a range of workforce initiatives, strategies and compliance matters. The information collected through the survey is used to inform workforce strategies and for other research and evaluation purposes.
The APS Agency Survey is conducted and sent to agencies with at least 20 APS employees.
The survey is sent to contact officers nominated for each agency. These contact officers are responsible for coordinating the input from relevant areas and uploading responses. The survey requires each Agency Head to verify the agency’s submission for completeness and accuracy of responses.
The survey typically achieves a 100% response rate from participating agencies.
The Commission manages and coordinates the APS Agency Survey and contracts an external service provider to support survey administration.
Data/Data source:
Survey responses are provided to the Commission for storage, analysis and reporting.
Note 3. APS Employee Census
The APS Employee Census is an employee perception survey of the APS workforce. Results are used by the Commission and APS agencies to inform planning, reform and other initiatives.
The APS Employee Census is conducted annually, typically between May and June. All personnel employed under the Public Service Act 1999 are eligible to participate and employee lists are provided by participating agencies. Individual agencies to set their eligibility criteria. For example, some agencies remove employees on long-term leave, while others contact employees on long-term leave to ask if they would like to participate.
Although participation is encouraged, the APS Employee Census is voluntary. If a respondent chooses to participate, only a limited number of demographic-type questions must be answered. The remaining questions do not require a response.
The APS Employee Census typical achieves a response rate of greater than 70%.
The Commission manages and coordinates the APS Employee Census and contracts an external service provider to support survey administration.
Data/Data source:
Survey responses are collected by the contracted external service provider. Results are reported within defined reports, online dashboards and datasets.
Note 4. Secretaries and Deputy Secretaries Talent Council – Annual Client Survey
The Commission conducts an annual client survey to understand member satisfaction across Secretaries and Deputy Secretaries Talent Councils with the support, advice and design services internally administered.
The survey is conducted by the Commission using an online platform, which facilitates data analysis to identify strengths and opportunities for improvement.
The survey is sent to all members of the Secretaries and Deputy Secretaries Talent Councils. Members are asked to rate their agreement with 5 statements related to the quality and timeliness of the advice and support provided using the following scale:
- Strongly disagree
- Disagree
- Neither agree nor disagree
- Agree
- Strongly agree
Talent Council members are also invited to identify how the Commission has best supported the Talent Council and any areas for improvement via free text comments. The survey can also be conducted via phone where Talent Council members prefer that approach. The same questions and rating scale are used regardless of the platform.
Data/Data source:
Survey responses are stored in the survey platform and then provided to the Commission as a raw dataset. Free-text comments are also provided. The records of phone conversations are then added to dataset, with complete responses stored in the Commission’s records management system.
Note 5. Post course feedback survey
To capture participant feedback at the end of an APS Academy courses (both facilitated and e-learning). It aims to capture self-assessed capability shift, value of content, and intention to implement learning in the workplace
Online survey sent to participants post completion
Data/Data source:
Data is automatically collated and analysed monthly. Results are collated through quarterly dashboards and incorporated into bespoke reports, where required.
Note 6. Learning and Development Survey
The Learning and Development Survey aims to capture agency/practitioner work across the APS to strengthen learning and development offerings and contribution to the OneAPS capability development approach.
Online survey targeted learning and development Practitioners and Senior Leaders involved in Learning and Development capability uplift across the APS (e.g. Learning Board, COO Committee, Faculty).
Data/Data source:
Data will be voluntary and collated through online survey systems. Results will be incorporated into bespoke reports, online dashboards and datasets, where appropriate.
Note 7. Post-Surge Host Agency Survey
To capture host agency feedback upon the conclusion of a Surge Event to gauge whether assistance from the APS Surge Reserve helped the agency achieve its outcome.
Online survey sent to host agency at the conclusion of a Surge Event.
Data/Data source:
Data is collated and analysed for each reporting period.