Corporate plan 2022-26
Commissioner’s foreword
As the accountable authority of the Australian Public Service Commission, I am pleased to present our 2022–26 Corporate Plan, as required under paragraph 35(1)(b) of the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013. This plan is prepared for the financial year 2022–23 and covers the subsequent financial years 2023–24 to 2025–26. The incoming Government has reinforced the unique and essential role of the APS in policy development and service delivery, and has outlined the importance of the APS as a model employer—one that attracts, grows and retains the capacity and capability to deliver better outcomes for Australia.
In positioning the APS workforce for the future, we do so against a backdrop of historic low unemployment, global skill shortages and changing employee expectations. Regardless, we are well placed to meet the Government’s expectations and those of the Australian people.
The Independent Review of the APS set in motion APS-wide capability uplift. The APS Workforce Strategy 2025 now drives a whole-of-enterprise approach to workforce development, with the APS Academy focused on building core ‘APS craft’ while the APS Professions focus on growing specialist capability. We have shown that we can share capacity and capability across agencies, when and where it is needed, to manage crises and unexpected peaks in labour demand.
These are strong foundations. Building on this, the Secretaries Board and its Future of Work Sub-committee are progressing reforms to attract, grow and retain talent, strengthen the APS’ employee value proposition and ensure that the APS has the right people, in the right places to meet existing and emerging workforce demands. The role of the APS is unwavering and our values remain strong: to serve the government, and people, with integrity. The Commission stands ready to meet and address emerging workforce challenges, working collaboratively as a valued and trusted partner to the APS. Our 2022–23 Corporate Plan outlines how we will deliver against this aim.

Peter Woolcott AO
Australian Public Service Commissioner
26 August 2022
Our purpose is to position the Australian Public Service (APS) workforce for the future to ensure it meets the demands and expectations of the Australian Government and people.
We work collaboratively as a valued and trusted partner to the APS; one that provides sound stewardship and advice, and is regarded as an exemplar of reform.
The Australian Public Service Commission is a non-corporate Commonwealth entity within the Prime Minister and Cabinet portfolio that supports the statutory officer holder, the Australian Public Service Commissioner. The Commissioner’s statutory functions are detailed in the Public Service Act 1999 and include:
- strengthening the professionalism of the APS
- driving continuous improvement in workforce management
- promoting high standards of accountability, effectiveness, performance, integrity and conduct in the APS
- fostering and contributing to leadership, high quality learning and development, and career management in the APS
- fostering an APS workforce that reflects the diversity of the Australian population
- providing advice and assistance to agencies on public service matters
- partnering with agency heads in stewardship of the APS, and
- working with other governments, domestic and foreign, on matters relating to public sector workforce management, leadership and career management.
We support statutory office holders – the Parliamentary Service Commissioner and the Merit Protection Commissioner – as well as providing policy and secretariat support to the Remuneration Tribunal and the Defence Force Remuneration Tribunal. As part of the support provided to the Parliamentary Service Commissioner, we also provide corporate support to the Parliamentary Workplace Support Service.