Diversity and inclusion networks
Does your agency have a representative on a Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) cross-agency network?
Cross-agency networks help drive collaboration and sharing of best practice, while providing peer support. There are a wide range of D&I networks that agencies and/or employees can join.
We invite all agencies to take part and if you don’t already have an agency representative on these cross-agency networks please reach out to the relevant Secretariat.
APS Disability Champions Network
Brings together senior level advocates to focus on disability employment matters of strategic and APS-wide importance and empowers employees to raise substantive and systemic issues for consideration by the network. The network pilots and contributes to solutions to provide employment equity for employees with disability. The Network meets quarterly. Secretariat: diversity@apsc.gov.au
Cross Agency Disability Contact Officers Network (CADCON)
A community for Agency Disability Contact Officers to come together to connect and share resources to support APS staff with disability and their colleagues. To join the network: diversity@homeaffairs.gov.au.
Cross-agency Assistive Technology Network (CATN) Discussion
To support and share with each other what assistive technology (eg hardware, software, peripherals, drivers) our government agencies are currently using to support staff with disabilities so that we can effectively provide staff with the tools required to improve and create inclusive and supportive workplaces. Contact: diversity@homeaffairs.gov.au
SES Disability Network (SDN)
Senior Executive Service (SES) who identify as a person with disability. The SDN provides a valuable networking and support mechanism for SES with disability. It also performs an advisory role for whole of APS activities influencing employment of people with disability and broader policies such as APS Reform. The Network meets quarterly. Secretariat: diversity@apsc.gov.au
The SDN Chairs are inviting new members to join, see their invitation here.
First Nations
Indigenous Champions Network (ICN)
An advocacy body who are committed to leading and driving initiatives aimed at increasing workplace outcomes with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees across the Commonwealth Public Service. Champions are senior representatives from various Australian Government agencies. The role of the Network includes promoting and facilitating the sharing of good practice and collaboration between agencies as well as exploring new ideas that lead to better employment outcomes for Indigenous employees. The Network meets quarterly. Secretariat: NIAASecretariatandCoordination@niaa.gov.au
Indigenous Cross Agency Network (ICAN)
A forum for Chairs and key representatives of an agency's Indigenous Employee Network. They discuss matters and share ideas, projects, and events that are of interest or importance to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees across the Commonwealth Public Service. Representatives include Indigenous Liaison Officers (ILOs). The ICAN is facilitated through GovTEAMS and is supported by the Indigenous Champions Network (ICN) and Indigenous SES Network (ISN), there’s also a LinkedIn page. Contact: katina.clarke@dfat.gov.au
About us: ICAN is a forum for representatives of Indigenous Networks from Australian public service (APS) agencies to discuss matters or share ideas and projects/events which are of interest or importance to its members. Membership of the ICAN will comprise of representatives for APS Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Networks, or where there is no networks within an agency, an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander representative for that agency.
Indigenous Liaison Officer Network (ILO)
The ILO network is focused on providing a culturally supportive environment for Indigenous Liaison Officers to share ideas, resources, troubleshoot recruitment and retention matters and provide support to members.
This network is being reinvigorated. If you are an ILO and are interested in joining this network please reach out via the Indigenous Liaison Network GovTEAMS portal or tarran.backhus@finance.gov.au
Indigenous SES Network (ISN)
SES who identify as Indigenous. Established to contribute to progressing Indigenous employment and retention initiatives. The Indigenous SES Network (ISN) is committed to driving meaningful change and providing guidance to senior leaders on issues affecting Indigenous Australians to provide a stewardship role that contributes to greater representation, retention and progression for Indigenous Australians in the Australian Public Service. The Network meets quarterly. Secretariat: isn@apsc.gov.au
Cross Agency Gender Equality Network (CAGEN)
Representatives from agency gender equity networks. Drives change towards gender equality across the APS, advocates the views of its members to key APS leadership forums, supports its members to grow and develop their own women’s and gender equality/equity networks, and connect staff across agencies to foster networking, relationship building and create a safe forum for the sharing of ideas and experiences. Meetings are held quarterly, contact the Secretariat for more information. Secretariat: cagen@accc.gov.au
APS Human Resources Professional Network
The Australian Public Service (APS) HR Profession encourages collaboration, learning, promotion of HR best practice and sharing knowledge and experience. The HR Professional recognises and leverages best practice across the public service. The Network's online community is open to anyone with a GovTEAMS account. Find events, publications and latest news related to HR in the APS. The HR Professional Network also holds face-to-face and virtual events, including capability and networking opportunities across Australia.
Request access to the HR Professional Network here.
CALD CONNECT is comprised of representatives from Cultural and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) and similar networks across the APS. The aim is to promote an inclusive and supportive culture across the APS. This is achieved primarily by supporting the networks to engage with their membership, foster inclusive spaces, and have a generally positive impact on agency culture through sharing information across CALD networks and collaborating on events.
CALD CONNECT was formed in September 2023. The forum is meeting on a monthly basis in the initial establishment period, with the intention of revisiting meeting cadence as the Network evolves and matures. The meetings are currently operating through a ‘rotating chair’ arrangement, with each member agency taking turns to chair the monthly meetings. Secretariat: CALD@pmc.gov.au
Communities of practice (CoP)
APS Learning & Development Community of Practice
The APS Learning & Development Community of Practice is a place for APS professionals involved in Learning and Development to collaborate and build their own capability. Membership is open to any APS professional involved in Learning and Development.
The community is managed by the APS Academy out of the Australian Public Service Commission. For more information about the community, including our Terms of Reference and Operating Arrangements, please contact development@apsc.gov.au
Select this link to request access APS L&D Community of Practice - Home (sharepoint.com)
Public Sector Neurodiversity Community of Practice
The Public Sector Neurodiversity Community of Practice (CoP) GovTEAMS community aims to provide interested staff with resources for launching a neurodiversity network in their own agency and to facilitate collaboration on neurodiversity inclusion, including sharing resources, such as:
- A conversation starter about preferred working styles.
- Lists of possible adjustments at work and in recruitment processes.
Further information is available on the Public Sector Neurodiversity CoP webpage and in the GovTEAMS community.
Workforce Planning Community of Practice
This platform fosters knowledge sharing and collaboration across the APS workforce planning practitioners' group. State and Territory workforce planning peers, as well as practitioners from non-APS Commonwealth entities are welcome to join the CoP. Contact: APSWFP@apsc.gov.au
APS Diversity and Inclusion Discussion Forum
The purpose of this forum is to connect Human Resource Professionals, Diversity and Inclusion Practitioners, Champions and active employee network members, to share information on what’s happening in D&I across the APS. You can ask questions, share resources, hints and tips, collaborate and scale good practice. For access contact: diversity@apsc.gov.au
APS Diversity and Inclusion Newsletter
Receive the bi-monthly newsletter, and read our news articles for information about what's happening in the world of diversity and inclusion. To join the mailing list, please contact: diversity@apsc.gov.au
Affirmative Measure Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (AMI) Recruitment Hub
The Affirmative Measure Recruitment Hub contains step-by-step guidance and a suite of complementary resources and tools to assist Australian government agencies conducting recruitment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. For access contact: firstnationsunit@apsc.gov.au
Affirmative Measure Disability (AMD) Recruitment Hub
Here you will find a comprehensive suite of guidance to assist in the recruitment of people with disability. The advice, tools and resources provided here are designed to supplement and complement your current recruitment practices and processes and can be adapted and customised to your organisational context. For access contact: diversity@apsc.gov.au
Cultural Capability Hub
The Commission has partnered with the National Indigenous Australians Agency (NIAA) and the Department of Defence to launch the Cultural Capability Hub for all APS staff. This initiative was developed to enhance cultural capability and promote safe and inclusive workplaces.
The Hub assists agencies in improving their workforce management processes, such as recruitment, performance management, learning and development, and workforce planning. These improvements will ensure that APS policies, programs, and services are responsive to the interests and needs of First Nations people.
The HUB provides practical tools and resources to help you perform your duties in a culturally informed way through self-paced learning modules. It also offers support for agencies to implement the Cultural Capability Framework
We encourage you to explore the Cultural Capability Hub to enhance your cultural capability.