The Australian Public Service Commission issues publications, advices and circulars, reports, speeches and media statements to agencies outlining changes in APS people and performance management. The following are current under the Public Service Act 1999, unless otherwise indicated.
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- Annual report (5)
- APS Bargaining (1)
- APS Data (1)
- Capability reviews (1)
- Circulars, Guidance, and Advice (79)
- Commissioner's speeches (26)
- COVID-19 (1)
- Employment data (9)
- Learning and Development (3)
- Open Letter to the Australian Public Service (16)
- Remuneration report (10)
- State of the Service (12)
- Strengthening Partnerships (5)
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221 result(s) found, displaying 151 to 160State of the Service Report 2019-20
Media releases and statements
The 2019-20 State of the Service Report tabled today, titled Learning through Change, shows how the Australian Public Service (APS) has adapted to and accelerated change, overcoming barriers to deliver for Government and Australians over the last 12 months.
APS Commissioner, Peter Woolcott AO – Speech at the Digital Summit 2020: Towards a More Digital APS
Commissioner's speech - Digital Summit 2020: Towards a more digital APS
Australian Public Service Commission Annual Report 2019-20
Annual report
This is the Annual Report from the Commissioner of the Australian Public Service incorporating the Annual Report of the Merit Protection Commissioner for the financial year ending 30 June 2020. The report reviews the purposes and outcomes of both Commissions.
Executive Remuneration Management policy
The APS Executive Remuneration Management Policy (the policy) sets out arrangements for the management of executive remuneration, including an approval process for remuneration proposals above a notional amount.
Circular 2020/9: Returning to Usual Workplaces
Circulars, Guidance, and Advice
The purpose of this Circular is to provide advice to agencies about employees returning to their usual (pre-COVID) workplaces.
Reference Panel on Strengthening Ministerial and APS Partnerships
Media releases and statements
The Australian Public Service Commission is developing guidance and training to increase understanding about the respective roles of Ministerial offices and the Australian Public Service.
Launch of the APS Data Professional Stream
Media releases and statements
Australian Public Service Commissioner, Mr Peter Woolcott AO, today launched the Australian Public Service (APS) Data Professional Stream, underpinning the continuing development of data capabilities across the APS workforce.
Australian Public Service Remuneration Report 2019
Remuneration reports
The Australian Public Service (APS) Remuneration Report 2019 presents a summary of remuneration paid to APS employees under the Public Service Act 1999 as at 31 December 2019. The report provides APS agencies with data that informs their remuneration practices.
APS Data Professional Stream Strategy
Strengthening data capability across the APS to generate deeper insights, inform evidence-based decisions and enable more effective service delivery.
Open letter to the APS on commitment during the COVID-19 pandemic from PM&C Secretary Philip Gaetjens and APS Commissioner Peter Woolcott AO
Open Letters to the Australian Public Service
We are writing to thank you for your continued commitment during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Australian Public Service (APS) continues to work hard to deliver for all Australians.