The Australian Public Service Commission issues publications, advices and circulars, reports, speeches and media statements to agencies outlining changes in APS people and performance management. The following are current under the Public Service Act 1999, unless otherwise indicated.
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- Annual report (5)
- APS Bargaining (1)
- APS Data (1)
- Capability reviews (1)
- Circulars, Guidance, and Advice (79)
- Commissioner's speeches (26)
- COVID-19 (1)
- Employment data (9)
- Learning and Development (3)
- Open Letter to the Australian Public Service (16)
- Remuneration report (10)
- State of the Service (12)
- Strengthening Partnerships (5)
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221 result(s) found, displaying 191 to 200Directions will sustain high performance across the APS
Media releases and statements
The Australian Public Service Commissioner, Peter Woolcott AO, has today released amendments to the Australian Public Service Commissioner’s Directions 2016.
Public servants channel the meaning of NAIDOC
Media releases and statements
The Attorney-General’s Department has secured bragging rights for the next year after it defeated 29 other government agencies to become this year’s APS NAIDOC Touch Football Carnival champion today in Canberra
Australian Public Service Remuneration Report 2018
Remuneration reports
The Australian Public Service (APS) Remuneration Report 2018 presents a summary of remuneration paid to APS employees under the Public Service Act 1999 as at 31 December 2018. The report provides APS agencies with data that informs their remuneration practices.
Circular 2019/1: Agreement making and bargaining during a caretaker period
The following arrangements will apply in respect of agreement making, or other workplace arrangements in lieu of bargaining, during the caretaker period.
APS Commissioner, Peter Woolcott AO – Speech at APS Graduate Development Program Orientation
You are joining the APS at a time of major and accelerated change flowing from advances in technology, societal and geopolitical volatility and the changing expectations of people.
Circular 2018/4: Using probation effectively
Circulars, Guidance, and Advice
Probation is a critical part of the recruitment process. It is a powerful tool that enables agencies to test whether a person is suited to the Australian Public Service (APS), the agency and the job.
Circular 2018/5: SES Recruitment
Circulars, Guidance, and Advice
The changes to SES recruitment practices outlined in this Circular have the support of Secretaries and were agreed at the meeting of the Secretaries Board on 5 December 2018.
Circular 2018/3: Family and Domestic Violence Leave: Changes to the National Employment Standards
Circulars, Guidance, and Advice
On 6 December 2018, the Fair Work Amendment (Family and Domestic Violence Leave) Bill was passed, providing 5 days unpaid Family and Domestic Violence Leave to all employees covered by the Fair Work Act 2009.
State of the Service Report 2017–18
State of the Service
The State of the Service Report 2017–18 (SOSR) was tabled in both houses of Parliament on Monday 26 November 2018.
Circular 2018/2: Family and Domestic Violence Leave Clause: Fair Work Commission’s decision to include model term in all modern awards
Circulars, Guidance, and Advice
On 6 July 2018, the Fair Work Commission finalised the content of the model family and domestic violence leave term.