RecruitAbility scheme: A guide for applicants
What is RecruitAbility?
- RecruitAbility encourages the employment of people with disability in the Australian Public Service (APS).
- A vacancy advertised under RecruitAbility offers you an opportunity to progress to the next stage in the assessment process if you opt into RecruitAbility and meet the minimum requirements of the role.
RecruitAbility does not guarantee progression to the next stage of the selection process.
Minimum requirements vary between job vacancies depending on factors such as the job requirements and the classification level of the vacancy.
Agencies have the flexibility to determine how they assess the minimum requirements.
- RecruitAbility aims to improve the disability awareness of APS hiring managers as well as the confidence and capability of applicants with disability.
- RecruitAbility can be applied to any job, including those at the Senior Executive Service level.
Applying for vacancies advertised under RecruitAbility.
- A vacancy advertised under RecruitAbility will include the following notification:
RecruitAbility applies to this vacancy. Under RecruitAbility you will be invited to participate in further assessment activity for the vacancy if you choose to apply under RecruitAbility; declare you have a disability; and meet the minimum requirements for the position. All APS vacancies are advertised at You can search for RecruitAbility vacancies by selecting RecruitAbility under ‘Programs and Initiatives’ on the Job Search screen.
- To apply for a job under RecruitAbility you should follow individual vacancy information and apply accordingly, as with any other application. The only difference is that as part of the application process you will be asked whether you wish to opt into RecruitAbility. You need to declare that you have a disability to participate. You do not need to provide further information about your disability.
- Prepare your application using the guidance provided in the advertisement and applicant information pack. General guidance on how to increase your chances of winning a job can be viewed at the Australian Public Service Commission's applying for jobs in the APS page and the Australian Government's page.
Opt into RecruitAbility
- When submitting applications, applicants with disability can select to opt into RecruitAbility by ticking the RecruitAbility box. Opting into RecruitAbility is voluntary.
- Regardless of whether you opt into RecruitAbility or not, you will have access to reasonable adjustments.
Meet minimum requirements
- If you choose to opt into RecruitAbility you will be progressed to the next stage in the assessment process if you:
- meet the minimum requirements of the role, and
- meet any eligibility requirements for the position e.g. mandatory qualifications.
- Ordinarily, only highly suitable applicants are shortlisted for further consideration by agencies for job vacancies. In contrast, applicants under RecruitAbility can progress to the next stage in the process if they meet the minimum requirements of the role.
- Applicants who are assessed as not meeting the minimum requirements for the job, regardless of their participation in RecruitAbility, are not shortlisted for further consideration.
Progress to further assessment
- APS selection panels collect evidence to compare and assess the skills, experience and abilities of each applicant and make a recommendation about who should be offered the job.
The APS recruits on the basis of merit, which means that from a field of applicants, a selection panel's role will be to choose the best person for the job, regardless of their participation in RecruitAbility.
- The process of recruitment can vary between APS agencies and individual job vacancies. Written applications, interview and referee reports are the most common way to assess applicants. However agencies may use other assessment methods, such as work sample tests or attendance at an assessment centre. These steps form part of the assessment process and count towards the decision of who would be best for the job. The agency that advertised the job can tell you what types of assessment activity are planned.
Reasonable adjustment
- Please ensure that you let the agency know in advance about any reasonable adjustments you need for assessment activities. Reasonable adjustments in recruitment processes reflect the understanding that people with disability, whether they opt into RecruitAbility or not, may need modifications to compete on an equal playing field.
- Reasonable adjustments can also be made available to assist you in the job, if you are successful in gaining employment in an APS agency.
Definition of Disability
- RecruitAbility's definition of disability is sourced from the Australian Bureau of Statistics Disability Ageing and Carers Survey (4433.0). The full definition of disability is available on this website.
- You are not legally required to disclose a disability unless it affects your ability to do the tasks that must be carried out to get the job done. RecruitAbility does not require evidence. However, you may be investigated for a suspected breach of the APS Code of Conduct if a false statement is made.
Further Information
- If you have questions about the application process please contact the officer nominated in the advertisement or job application information pack. You can also contact the Australian Public Service Commission by email at for additional information.