A Machinery of Government (MoG) change occurs when the Government decides to change the way Commonwealth responsibilities are managed. MoG changes are a normal feature of the Australian Public Service (APS). They can involve the movement of functions, resources and people from one agency to another.
The Government expects MoG changes to be implemented as quickly as possible to support the Government’s priorities, with a focus on achieving the best outcomes for the Australian community across the whole of government. APS agencies are responsible for the implementation of a MoG change and meeting any deadlines set by Government.
The Machinery of Government Changes Guide has been recently updated and is now available on the Department of Finance website, along with a range of supplementary material and provides an outline of the principles and processes required to support agencies in the implementation of a MoG change.
Agencies should contact the Commission as soon as they have confirmation that a MoG change decision has been made by Government to discuss the movement of employees and any requirements regarding employment instruments.
For information about:
Public Service Act 1999 (PS Act)
Transfer of employees under section 72 of the PS Act
APS recruitment, engagement and separations during a MoG change
SES cohort and the movement of SES cohort as a result of a MoG change