What does success look like after implementation of the Capability Review Response
- We are a trusted and credible adviser for our Ministers and APS entities on workforce matters.
- We provide clear, authoritative service wide guidance and policy to APS entities and support implementation.
- We are focussed and deliberate in our engagement through networked partnerships and unified engagement.
- We understand the needs of the Australian community and APS entities.
- We build whole of APS capability where the APS needs it.
- We uphold and lead on integrity in the APS and meet our legislative obligations.
- We are a model APS employer, with the right people, with the right skills, in the right place, to deliver on our priorities.
- We have a clearly prioritised agenda that is aligned to our legislative responsibilities and vision.
- Our operating model is optimal to deliver on our priorities.
- Our people have the confidence, systems and tools to do their work.
Evaluating success
The APSC will evaluate the success of the implementation of actions through the following:
- APS Agency Survey – used to ascertain the capability needs of entities and whether entities utilise our workforce products
- Annual Client Survey – used to understand stakeholder views from Secretaries and Deputy Secretaries Talent Councils
- APS Stakeholder Survey – periodic surveys to seek stakeholder views on the APSC’s services.
External engagement
- Annual engagement / interviews of key stakeholders – many provided feedback through the Capability Review process so it is important to ascertain whether the APSC is meeting expectations
- Feedback from the Minister for the Public Service and the Assistant Minister for the Public Service
- Engagement with APSC information, education and communications
- Agency-specific questions in the APS Employee Census focussing on the internal actions / shifts we are trying to achieve.
Internal engagement
- Internal employee surveys – periodic surveys of our employees on organisational issues
- Feedback from the Senior Executive Service (SES) Diversity Champion Networks.