APS Employee Census 2024
In 2024, 106 agencies and entities that engage staff under the Public Service Act 1999 participated in the APS Employee Census. A total of 140,396 APS employees responded, with a response rate of 81 per cent. The APS Employee Census ran from Monday 6 May to Friday 7 June 2024.
What is the APS Employee Census?
The APS Employee Census is an annual employee perception survey of the Australian Public Service workforce. All eligible personnel employed under the Public Service Act 1999 are invited to participate. The APS Employee Census has been conducted since 2012 and collects APS employee opinions and perspectives on a range of topics, including employee engagement, wellbeing, and leadership.
The APSC Privacy policy (Part B) provides information about the collection, use and disclosure of personal information in connection with the APSC's roles and functions including the APS Employee Census.
If you are interested in finding out more information about the Census, please read the Participant Information Sheet.
Where can I find more information?
The 2024 APS Employee Census questionnaire can be found here: 2024 APS Employee Census questionnaire.
Further information on the APS Employee Census and how to interpret results can be found in the Employee Census Explanatory Guide.
The APS Employee Census questions and data from 2012 to 2024, aggregated at the APS-wide level, are available on data.gov.au. To protect the privacy and confidentiality of respondents, the datasets include responses to a limited number of demographic or other attribute questions.
2024 Employee Census results
Results for all APS employees can be viewed here:
- 2024 APS Overall results (PDF - 1.1 MB)
- 2024 APS Overall results (XLSX - 47.68 KB)
Under the Public Service Amendment Act 2024 agencies are required to publish aggregate APS Employee Census results, along with an action plan responding to the results.
The links below will direct you to the reports available on the respective agency’s website. Non-APS agency results are not included in the APS overall results.
More information on agency size and function is available here: APS Agencies – size and function
Extra Small Agencies (<100 employees)
Asbestos and Silica Safety and Eradication Agency | asbestossafety.gov.au |
Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research | aciar.gov.au |
Cancer Australia | canceraustralia.gov.au |
Climate Change Authority | climatechangeauthority.gov.au |
Office of the Inspector-General of Aged Care | igac.gov.au |
Office of the Inspector General of Intelligence and Security | igis.gov.au |
Inspector-General of Taxation and Taxation Ombudsman | igt.gov.au |
Independent Parliamentary Expenses Authority | ipea.gov.au |
Old Parliament House | moadoph.gov.au |
National Blood Authority | blood.gov.au |
National Capital Authority | nca.gov.au |
National Health Funding Body | publichospitalfunding.gov.au |
National Mental Health Commission | mentalhealthcommission.gov.au |
National Portrait Gallery of Australia | portrait.gov.au |
Organ and Tissue Authority | donatelife.gov.au |
Parliamentary Workplace Support Service | pwss.gov.au |
Professional Services Review | psr.gov.au |
Workplace Gender Equality Agency | wgea.gov.au |
Small Agencies (101–250 employees)
Australian Charities and Not-for-Profits Commission | acnc.gov.au |
Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care | safetyandquality.gov.au |
Australian Fisheries Management Authority | afma.gov.au |
Australian Human Rights Commission | humanrights.gov.au |
Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies | aiatsis.gov.au |
Australian Institute of Family Studies | aifs.gov.au |
Australian National Maritime Museum | sea.museum |
Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority | apvma.gov.au |
Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency | arpansa.gov.au |
Australian Research Council | arc.gov.au |
Australian Skills Quality Authority | asqa.gov.au |
Australian Transport Safety Bureau | atsb.gov.au |
Food Standards Australia New Zealand | foodstandards.gov.au |
National Anti-Corruption Commission | nacc.gov.au |
National Film and Sound Archive of Australia | nfsa.gov.au |
National Health and Medical Research Council | nhmrc.gov.au |
National Museum of Australia | nma.gov.au |
National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority | nopsema.gov.au |
Office of the Australian Information Commissioner | oaic.gov.au |
Office of Parliamentary Counsel | opc.gov.au |
Office of the Special Investigator | osi.gov.au |
Productivity Commission | pc.gov.au |
Safe Work Australia | safeworkaustralia.gov.au |
Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency | teqsa.gov.au |
Torres Strait Regional Authority | trsa.gov.au |
Medium Agencies (251–1000 employees)
Aboriginal Hostels Limited | ahl.gov.au |
Administrative Appeals Tribunal | aat.gov.au |
Australian Communications and Media Authority | acma.gov.au |
Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission | acic.gov.au |
Australian Digital Health Agency | digitalhealth.gov.au |
Australian Electoral Commission | aec.gov.au |
Australian Financial Security Authority | afsa.gov.au |
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare | aihw.gov.au |
Australian National Audit Office | anao.gov.au |
Australian Public Service Commission | apsc.gov.au |
Australian Submarine Agency | asa.gov.au |
Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre | austrac.gov.au |
Australian War Memorial | awm.gov.au |
Clean Energy Regulator | cleanenergyregulator.gov.au |
Comcare | comcare.gov.au |
Defence Housing Australia | dha.gov.au |
Digital Transformation Agency | dta.gov.au |
Fair Work Commission | fwc.gov.au |
Future Fund Management Agency | futurefund.gov.au |
Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority | gbrmpa.gov.au |
Murray-Darling Basin Authority | mdba.gov.au |
National Archives of Australia | naa.gov.au |
National Emergency Management Agency | nema.gov.au |
National Library of Australia | nla.gov.au |
NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission | ndiscommission.gov.au |
Office of the Commonwealth Ombudsman | ombudsman.gov.au |
Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions | cdpp.gov.au |
Office of the Fair Work Ombudsman | fairwork.gov.au |
Sport Integrity Australia | sportintegrity.gov.au |
Large Agencies (1001–10,000 employees)
Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission | agedcarequality.gov.au |
Attorney-General’s Department | ag.gov.au |
Australian Bureau of Statistics | abs.gov.au |
Australian Competition and Consumer Commission | accc.gov.au |
Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade) | austrade.gov.au |
Bureau of Meteorology | bom.gov.au |
Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry | agriculture.gov.au |
Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water | dcceew.gov.au |
Department of Education | education.gov.au |
Department of Employment and Workplace Relations | dewr.gov.au |
Department of Finance | finance.gov.au |
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade | dfat.gov.au |
Department of Health and Aged Care | health.gov.au |
Department of Industry, Science and Resources | industry.gov.au |
Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts | infrastructure.gov.au |
Department of Social Services | dss.gov.au |
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet | pmc.gov.au |
Department of the Treasury | treasury.gov.au |
Department of Veterans’ Affairs | dva.org.au |
Federal Court of Australia | fedcourt.gov.au |
National Disability Insurance Agency | ndis.gov.au |
National Indigenous Australians Agency | niaa.gov.au |
Extra Large Agencies (more than 10,000 employees)
Australian Taxation Office | ato.gov.au |
Department of Defence | defence.gov.au |
Department of Home Affairs | homeaffairs.gov.au |
Services Australia | servicesaustralia.gov.au |
The following entities engage staff under the Public Service Act 1999 but are not APS agencies under the Act.
Australian Office of Financial Management | aofm.gov.au |
Commonwealth Grants Commission | cgc.gov.au |
Geoscience Australia | ga.gov.au |
IP Australia | ipaustralia.gov.au |
Royal Australian Mint | ramint.gov.au |
Non-APS agencies
Civil Aviation Safety Authority | casa.gov.au |
Department of the House of Representatives | aph.gov.au |
Department of the Senate | aph.gov.au |
National Gallery of Australia | nga.gov.au |
Parliamentary Budget Office | pbo.gov.au |
Three agencies were granted exemptions from the public release of APS Employee Census results and/or an action plan:
- The Office of National Intelligence was exempted from publishing its results and an action plan.
- The National Mental Health Commission was exempted from publishing an action plan.
- The Office of the Special Investigator was exempted from publishing an action plan.
In 2024, 11 agencies redacted information from their reports of APS Employee Census results:
- Asbestos Safety and Eradication Agency
- Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission
- Australian National Maritime Museum
- Australian Office of Financial Management
- Climate Change Authority
- Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
- National Mental Health Commission
- National Portrait Gallery of Australia
- Old Parliament House
- Professional Services Review
- Torres Strait Regional Authority
Further information
For further information please contact the APSC Employee Census team or 1800 464 926.