Headline Action 1: Whole of APS standards
Whole of APS standards
Introduce an APS Statement of Leadership to Support Cultural Diversity to ensure that the standard for culturally respectful and safe workplaces is upheld.
Ensure a safe, fair, equitable and inclusive workplace that is free from racism, discrimination, bullying and harassment.
Our attitudes and behaviours with respect to cultural diversity clearly reflect the APS Values, APS Employment Principles, the APS Code of Conduct, the SES Performance Framework and Charter of Leadership Behaviours.
Existing laws and protections are upheld by all.
We co-design processes to reflect and recognise the lived experience of those most affected by aligning with work underway.
Secretaries Board.
APS workplaces need to have open, inclusive engagement, respectful and culturally informed communication, where individuals can work in an environment of mutual trust, free from racism or stereotyping. This is a critical component of overall psychosocial safety.
We already have a strong framework of existing laws and principles that are designed to ensure protection from racism, discrimination, bullying and harassment. The APS Statement of Leadership to Support Cultural Diversity would sit within the SES Performance and Leadership Framework.
Agencies will need to demonstrate how they:
- raise awareness of, and uphold existing safeguards, demonstrating alignment with the APS Values, Employment Principles and Code of Conduct.
- enact the SES Performance and Leadership Framework and Charter of Leadership Behaviours.
- embed cultural safety and inclusive language in their corporate policies and processes.
- implement processes to guard against and identify harmful behaviours such as racist behaviour and discrimination based on identity or background, and ensure that avenues for people to make complaints provide psychosocial and cultural safety.
Agencies should review their corporate documents, internal procedures and HR policies and gather feedback on their efficacy when specifically addressing racism and discrimination. Agencies need to ensure that their specific design needs are informed by their CALD networks and designated diversity group representatives.
Performance frameworks should require demonstration of inclusive, equitable and respectful behaviours. These frameworks could include:
- approaches for starting conversations with all employees about what valuing their culture and providing a culturally safe workplace looks like for them - understanding that people will have different needs and expectations.
- a requirement that all employees demonstrate how they build their own understanding, and implement their knowledge, of cultural similarities and differences of employees within their team, organisation or stakeholder groups.