Explore the report
The term CALD cannot fully capture the richness of diverse cultural backgrounds. Read how the terminilogy is defined in this report.
Results of public consultation
The APSC received over 185 submissions from employees of the APS or Australian Government as well as external multicultural organisations.
Lived experience of employees
We have heard positive and negative examples of CALD employees’ experience from a wide range of agencies in terms of size and function. Explore the common themes to the lived experience across all consultations.
Data metrics
A broad range of CALD-related data is captured through APS agencies’ human resources information systems and made available centrally with the APS Employment Database (APSED).
Proposed approach
The Plan can provide the basis for how we start the conversations that will enable us to harness cultural diversity in our work. Meeting the scale of the challenge over time will require continuing commitment and effort.
Measuring progress
Agency heads will report twice yearly to the Secretaries Board on their progress against the headline actions and the Secretaries Board will publicly report progress.
The plan has drawn extensively on the stories and experiences told to us by real people, CALD and non-CALD, including both current and previous employees of the APS and others external to the APS.