The Affirmative Measure Indigenous Recruitment project has reached a milestone of Phase 2 completion (co-design solutions). We have created a one-stop-shop of guidance and resources to support and enable effective recruitment using the Affirmative measure (AM) – Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employment provision.
Stories and articles

In the February edition, we introduced the Affirmative Measure Indigenous Recruitment Pilot project. The project is well underway and is now in phase 2. This phase focusses on co-design and testing the guidance material that’s been developed with resource based solutions that encompass a wide-range of recruitment and diversity practitioners.
Diversity and inclusion news

Department of Health and Aged Care recently completed an Affirmative Measures – Indigenous recruitment process pilot with high candidate success.
Diversity and inclusion news

Returning to work after a period of illness can be a daunting experience. This is something Jade Cordell from Indigenous Business Australia knows first-hand. Jade is also the newest member of the HR Professional Stream working group. We caught up with her to chat about her public service experience and hear her aspirations for the HR Professional Stream.
APS HR Professional News

An AHRI-Certified HR Practitioner with many years of experience and a member of the Stream’s SES Working Group, she knows exactly what HR can bring to the table and how it can influence an organisation for the better.
APS HR Professional News